With self awareness as the main tool we enable individuals, athletes and corporations to reach their greatest potential on three different levels – (1) Performance (success), (2) Work-Life Balance and (3) True Health on ALL levels (mental peace, emotional joy, AND physical vitality).


Because we believe that deep down all of us want to live a healthy, happy and harmonious life. Sadly, many people experience mental stress and exhaustion, emotional anxiety and depression, and physical sickness and disease. We believe that everybody has their own answers and tools within to make the change. We help to seek and find. Sometimes we teach – but most often – we support and challenge to own reflection. We call it Enablement


Everything we do is tailormade. We balance theory, exercises and tools that accelerate reflection and learning. With self awareness as the main tool we work on three different levels – (1) Performance (success), (2) Work-Life Balance and (3) True Health on ALL levels (mental peace, emotional joy, AND physical vitality). The content is based on the client’s current and desired state and goals, we support and challenge and work with individuals, teams and entire organizations. Want to try?


If you don´t feel and perform as well as you deep down think you can do, the answer is NOW. That answer becomes natural when you see self awareness, learning and development as a process. On the other hand, if you see it as a project, it will be difficult to find an opportunity to start. There always seems to be something else that needs to be done first. Process or project – You choose.


Our mission is to make it possible for you, your team and your organization to go from current state to desired state – quite simple as a definition but sometimes difficult to implement – We can take on different roles but we assume that we are not response providers. You are the specialists in your business, but we can help you increase your awareness and from there knowledge. We use established scientific tools and methods to map the current situation so that we can start from a base of knowing, not guessing, what the challenge is. From there, we move forward with the constant ambition to go from knowing to doing in the direction of the desired state.


Executive Coaching/Therapy

This is a program for you who want True Health on ALL levels - mental peace, emotional joy, AND physical vitality. Most probably you are already very successful but you can´t feel your success. Your life situation "looks good on paper" but the happy moments are short...

Leading Yourself & Others

The Leading Yourself training is offered on three different levels (see below) individually or in an existing work group/team. Performance Coaching/Training – you want more success in your field of expertise. Focus is on your performance and self-confidence. We mix...

Leading Change

They say that nothing is forever except change. Despite this, it seems to be almost as difficult to lead change as to lead oneself. Maybe it's because change in the end is often about one or more people changing their behavior. Humans can build rockets that can fly to...



Our basic view is that man feels and performs best when he feels free, trusted and needed. People are not right or wrong, good or bad – we are different. When we can see each other’s differences as strengths and really wish each other well, a mutual trust is created that makes us open to discuss, cooperate and process disagreements and possible conflicts. This creates a commitment and responsibility in the direction of common goals.

Our experience says that the development of a group or organization only takes place if the individual takes his development steps and begins to do differently. It is the individuals in a company that build the brand, who have relationships with each other, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. Personal development is thus the basis of our way to work with teams.

Certified by


The work done and life lived by humans is changing – in front of a screen – at the speed of light.

For us, culture is built by every individual in the organisation. What we think, what we do or not do, and how we do it, as an individual and as a team gives us our culture. To simplify – the sum of all behaviours in the organization gives the culture.

The work methods we have are building a cultural base. This base consists of three areas. Building a strong culture, building a healthy culture, and building a culture of accountability.

With this as a base, you have the tools how to influence the culture in the desired direction. A culture that helps the people and the operation to achieve desired results.

The result is an organizational culture in which the choice of being physically active and mentally restorative is not only healthy, but also convenient, enjoyable, safe, affordable, and valued at the same time?

Is it also financially profitable – You bet!


The foundation for all well-functioning interpersonal relationships is trust. Whether it’s about the relationship with yourself, your customers, managers, colleagues, friends or your partner. Below are a few people who expressed their trust in us.

Vesna Simonovska,
Client Executive, Swedbank

Jonas är en väldigt engagerad, förtroendeingivande och mycket kompetent person. Han utmanar dig till utveckling och ökad självinsikt och har även en mycket god kommunikativ förmåga. Jag kan varmt rekommendera Jonas som coach. Han har gett mig verktyg och metoder för att fortsätta utveckla mig själv.

Kristina Trulsson Samuelsson,
Enhetschef Rekrytering, Region Skåne

Med sin höga kompetens och långa erfarenhet skapar Jonas mycket goda resultat på både individ- och gruppnivå. Jonas har ett mycket förtroendeingivande förhållningssätt, ett metodiskt och väl genomarbetat arbetssätt vilket skapar trovärdighet, trygghet och hög grad av måluppfyllelse!

Matthias Geiger,
Manager EIM, Tetra Pak

I have worked with Jonas on two different occasions. He coached our management team as a team and also coached each manager individually. In both instances, the coaching has improved how we collaborate within the team significantly whilst I was able to improve my emotional intelligence skills as an individual. Jonas helps, guides, inspires and ensures that change happens. In his coaching, Jonas has created a space of confidence and trust which invited everybody to be open to new paths and explore them. This trust also enables him to challenge the participants. From my experience, everybody in the workshop left his/her comfort zone which led to incredible results. Based on my experience with Jonas, he has my highest recommendation.

Mats Flygare,

Jag har i över fyra års tid, i min roll som CEO på TEGO System AB använt Jonas Magnusson som support, bollplank och katalysator. Detta för att utveckla medarbetare på ett individuellt plan, utveckla grupper och inte minst för att hjälpa oss att implementera en starkare kultur som en grund i ett öppet och effektivt arbetssätt.

Jonas styrka är att vara öppen och rak på ett konstruktivt sätt. Han har en förmåga att agera vid rätt tillfälle och på ett sätt landar hos var och en.

Under den långa process som jag/vi arbetat tillsammans har vi både omsättningsmässigt som resultatmässigt haft en riktigt bra utveckling. Det är min övertygelse att vi inte kunna göra detta på samma sätt utan Jonas delaktighet. Jag kan därför varmt rekommendera Jonas Magnusson för liknande uppdrag.

Karin Cedwall,
HR-chef, Skånes universitetssjukhus SUS

Jonas är en professionell, engagerad och drivande person. Han får saker gjorda i god tid och med hög kvalitet. Tre ord uttrycker på ett bra sätt det som Jonas åstadkommer: sedda, hörda och berörda människor.

Man blir sedd för den man är och för hur man agerar här och nu.

Man blir hörd genom att Jonas lyssnar med ett intresserat öra och vill höra mer.

Man blir berörd eftersom, om man vill, kan mötet med Jonas bli något mycket mer än en skrapning på ytan. Han vågar följa med på ett möte i djupet.”

Jag ger Jonas mina allra bästa rekommendationer

Per Enocsson,
Business Transformation Project Manager, Tetra Pak

As part of the journey to develop our Management team we engage Jonas in working with emotional intelligence (EQ) for the team as well as the individual.
Jonas is very professional in working with both management teams as well as individual leaders. He has a fantastic skill in making teams and individuals aware of the effects of their behavoiur and helping them to get to the root of situation. He knows when to step in and take charge and when to take a step back and has the guts to do so in a positively challenging way.

He has been a fantastic coach that has given me many insights boosting my individual performance. The result was tangible and something I could apply in my work right away.

I would really recommend other Management Teams and leaders to work with Jonas in order to take the teams or your individual performance to the next level.”


Jonas Magnusson

+46 (0) 704 – 106570

Let us help you feel and perform better!