The Four Rooms of Change

come aware of how change affects you and others!

The Four Rooms of Change is a theory, a concept and a methodology with analytical instruments, models and proven best practice models. It supports innovation, development, change and transformation as well as stability and everyday business. It has its foundation in research performed in Sweden and well-proven experience. Thousands of companies today use the Four Rooms of Change for business development – in all industries and on all continents.

The theory and the concept are based upon the scientifically proven existence of two very distinct perspectives on life – two very different ways of relating to oneself, to others and the world – and its consequences.

The Four Rooms of Change is based on Claes Jansen’s research that spans over 40 years and has a number of tools linked to the theory.

The combination of the theory and how it is conveyed practically is unique and extremely accessible. The tools work in all types of companies and organizations, on individual, group or system level. The instruments are translated into a variety of languages.

Introduction to the Four Rooms of Change®

The Introduction to the Four Rooms of Change® can be used in many different contexts. It takes 3-4 hours for any group to design the Four Rooms of Change with professional guidance based on their own experiences. Afterwards, you carry it with you and understand it. The Introduction can be used as a working material for a workshop or offsite meeting on change and development in a specific situation. Other example when the Introduction fits well may be:

  • For change and development
  • For individual support, coaching, personal supervision or equivalent
  • Before a merger
  • Before project launches
  • In connection with evaluation of projects
  • In connection with managerial changes or other changes in a group
  • In leadership development

The Personal Dialectic

Personal Dialectics with the Outsider Scale is a Four Rooms of Change analytical instrument which can be used for individual and group development. The Personal Dialectics can be used in individual development work in order to increase self-awareness, as well as to give a better understanding of one’s own and others’ driving forces and preferences, and the consequences these forces have for the organization. The Personal Dialectics shed light on peoples ability to make conscious and realistic choices, both under stress and in everyday life. It also helps people to understand, appreciate and take advantage of each other’s differences in cooperation and development. It can be used in smaller groups and individually, for example for individual support, coaching, individual supervision or equivalent. Management teams, boards, project and working groups as well as individuals, benefit significantly from The Personal Dialectics. It is an excellent support for major and minor changes, leadership development and in crises and conflicts.

The Organizational Barometer

The Organizational Barometer is an analytical instrument used to measure the climate in a group, team or organization.

The Organizational Barometer is conducted with all employees and managers together. Everyone is involved, and everyone’s view is taken into consideration. The process is always led by a certified user. Working with the Organizational Barometer gives the group concrete values on how the group or organization is functioning in the Four Rooms terms:

  • What are we content with?
  • What are we censoring?
  • What creates confusion?
  • And how much inspiration is there in the group?

Together, the group works with analysis, processing, conclusions and action plans for change and improvement. Individual, group and management measures are planned so that the most important things can happen immediately. Implementation of the plan is done with everyone’s participation. This makes the impact very strong and viable. Methods and tools for daily and weekly review of the situation are available.

The Organizational Barometer can be used in the following ways:

  • To introduce change and development to increase the conversion (re-adjustment) and/or development rate.
  • Before, in and after a reorganization or other change.
  • To create more participation – open and structured use of co-workers experiences, creativity and dedication.
  • At the start of a project and for later evaluation of the state of the project.
  • In connection with managerial changes or other changes in a group.
  • In systematic environmental work to measure and follow up the working atmosphere.

The Organizational Barometer is an excellent alternative or complement to anonymous surveys.